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Requiem for Relativity
- Joe Keller
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15 years 9 months ago #23459
by Joe Keller
Replied by Joe Keller on topic Reply from
Ugo Buoncompagni (Gregory XIII) and Joseph Scaligeri: Men of Atlantis
My new, eccentric, calculation of Barbarossa's orbit little affects Barbarossa's present 1/r^3, but halves its average 1/r^3. The present (i.e., epoch 1976) tidal force is proportional to 1/208^3 vs. the previous estimate 1/198^3; to compensate for this and give the same present tidal force as estimated previously, Barbarossa's mass needs to be only (208/198)^3 = 1.16x bigger.
The orbital time-average, of 1/r^3 i.e. u^3, is the average with respect to theta of u^(3-2), divided by the average w.r.t. theta of u^(-2). The denominator can be found from the binomial series in eccentricity (only even terms have nonzero time average), replacing all but the first five terms with an approximating geometric series. The time-average 1/r^3 is only 0.50x 1/(latus rectum)^3; i.e. Barbarossa's mass needs to be 2.01x bigger (Barbarossa now is near its latus rectum). So, maybe the orbital precession frequencies of Neptune, Pluto and the classical Edgeworth-Kuiper belt, due to the known solar system :: due to Barbarossa, aren't 3::1, 2::1 and 1::1 resp., but rather 6::1, 4::1 and 2::1. (Other explanations are possible.)
In my earlier post, I said my orbit estimate for Barbarossa had perihelion only 13 yr before 1583.0 (Pope Gregory's reformed calendar began with a jump to Oct. 15, 1582). I also said that Joseph Scaliger's 1583 system of Julian dates, sets JD 0 = 4713.0 BC, 6295 yr earlier than 1583.0 (my estimate of Barbarossa's period is 6340 yr).
Maybe Buoncompagni and Scaliger had Atlantean knowledge. The young Clavius (who published an 800 page book about it) and other leading astronomers collaborated for a decade on the Gregorian calendar reform, yet the Gregorian leap year reform wasn't urgent: the Julian calendar error had been accumulating for 1600 yr, Protestant countries still were getting around to adopting the Gregorian reform almost 200 yr later, and Russia after almost 400 yr. The promulgation of a new calendar in 1582 (at Barbarossa's perihelion as then known from hermetic sources?) might have been a beneficent "time capsule".
The Gregorian calendar is set to the tropical year, so from 1600 to 2000, Earth's perihelion date (neglecting Earth's perihelion advance) would have moved forward 400/25785*365 = 5.7 days; including the perihelion advance, it would be 6.9. That is, if perihelion was Jan. 3 in 2000, it would have been Dec. 27 in 1600. Christmas, Dec. 25, originally was set nearer to perihelion than to the solstice, though the perihelion has been moving forward because it depends on the anomalistic year (about the same as the sidereal year), not the tropical year. Pope Gregory's committee seemed conscious of perihelia, as anchor dates for calendars.
Plato's "Critias" testifies that Egypt had special knowledge of Atlantis and America, though modern experts note that some of the events told by Critias, seem confused with the eruption on Thera and the fall of the Minoan Empire to the Hellenes. Solon was, in part, educated in Egypt; there he learned about Atlantis. Solon passed the knowledge of Atlantis on to his fellow Athenians as oral tradition, until it was written down by Plato.
Heyerdahl and others have given evidence of an Egypt - Mesoamerican connection. Maybe the Mayan calendar ends, or rather has a major terminus, at the 2012 winter solstice (I gather that Mayan calendars used a 365 day year but little heeded leap years, equinoxes or solstices) because of an Atlantean plan to post a warning. Indeed a stone carving (Monument 6, Tortuguero, Mexico) warns of literal disaster then, when a God of war (but this God also is a God of creation and of a symbolic nine-foot tree) descends, named "Bolon" (Prof. Robert Sitler of Stetson College, chapter in a book called "2012", by an anonymous editor).
The Egypt chronology in the Columbia Encyclopedia ("Dynasties" table in "Egypt" article) begins at 3110 BC, 5121 yr before 2012 AD. The Mayan "long count" (the Mayans had several parallel calendars) of 13 "pik" cycles, is 5200 years of 360 days (though parallel Mayan calendars had 5 extra days per year) = 5125.25 yr (several chapters in the abovementioned editor-less "2012" book explain the Mayan calendar, about as well as it can be explained, I suppose). Maybe Egypt got started with essentially the same calendar, also ending a long cycle in 2012.
The medium Edgar Cayce gave 10500 BC as the date for the ultimate destruction of Atlantis (Adrian Gilbert's "2012"). This date might be contaminated somehow by the consciousness, of Cayce's questioners, that Plato had said c. 9500 BC. However 2012 AD - 2*6340 = 10669 BC. If I use Scaliger's period instead of my own, it's 2012 - 2*6295 = 10579 BC.
My Barbarossa has perihelion 133.9 AU. Little happened at the last perihelion in 1569 (my est.) or 1582 (hermetic estimate of Pope Gregory et al?). I suspect that the outgoing latus rectum is disastrous. At the latus rectum, the radial acceleration toward Earth, d2r/dt2, is zero; that is, dr/dt is maximum. Nearby the acceleration achieves small multiples of H*c, the Hubble parameter times the speed of light. This acceleration value also is observed for millisecond pulsars: it is physically important. Small multiples of this relative acceleration might cause an "ether soliton" ("ES").
Barbarossa is unique. It is massive, nearby, and yet outside my proposed Solar "ether island" of radius 52.6 AU. By my estimate, its orbital latus rectum was passed 2003.94, but Barbarossa's d2r/dt2 will be 2*H*c, on 2012.96. (Dec. 21, 2012 is 2012.97.)
Alternatively, using the first day of the new Gregorian calendar, 1582.79, as perihelion, and Scaliger's period, approx. 6294.79 yr, then getting the area between perihelion and latus rectum from exact integral calculus assuming my eccentricity estimate e=0.610596 (probably my most accurate calculated parameter) I find that the latus rectum will be passed 2013.98, at the solstice a year later.
Adrian Gilbert, "2012", shows diagrams of trios of pyramids in Egypt (the three great pyramids of the Old Kingdom) and Mesoamerica, which are congruent in their positions, to the slightly nonlinear geometry of Orion's three belt stars. My program finds Barbarossa's descending node (orbital inclination to ecliptic: 12.93 deg) of the center of mass of Barbarossa/Frey, to be RA 112.654, Decl +21.817. This point on the ecliptic is in Gemini. The argument of perihelion is 180-25.022=154.978; i.e., the perihelion is 25.0deg west of the descending node, as measured along the orbit. Though arctan(0.5) = 26.6deg often would arise in architecture, when one side of a right triangle is half the other, this angle (said by Robert Temple to be common at Giza) also might have astronomical significance desired to be built into durable structures as a mnemonic so that Barbarossa will be recognized quickly when it returns.
The perihelion is ~30deg due North of Orion's belt (roughly true now as well as in ancient Egypt, despite some pole precession). (As given earlier, the semimajor axis is 343.840 AU, the eccentricity 0.610596 and the period 6339.93 yr.) At the most recent presumed destruction, in 2013 - 6295(Scaliger's period) = 4283 BC, the vernal equinox would have been (using Newcomb's precession rate) at J2000 ecliptic longitude 87.402, so Barbarossa's descending node would have been at ecliptic longitude 110.952-87.402=23.55deg relative to the equinox of date. Barbarossa's perihelion would have been only ~5deg North of the equinox ("first point of Gemini" in those days).
A catastrophic physical phenomenon occurring at or just after the outgoing latus rectum, that is, near Barbarossa's present position, could brighten Barbarossa to about magnitude -5, if it is, as I suspect, about the size of Earth (though 10x the mass of Jupiter) and it became heated to the temperature of the Sun. This part of the orbit is almost parallel to the ecliptic, so Earth parallax mainly moves it back and forth along its orbital track. It would be easy for Egyptian or Atlantean astronomers to extrapolate the visible part of the orbit to the ecliptic, the usual home of wandering stars.
Calculating the perihelion would be harder, but could be done by "second differences" of the seasonally-adjusted angular speed. Orion's belt is the easiest marker of this spot.
The previous disaster, perhaps 2013 (13, an unlucky number) - 6295 = 4283 BC, is about the right length of time ago, for us to have the legends of universal floods, extermination and other destruction that we have: legends much less complete than, say, the Iliad. Also, the root Indo-European language, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, dates from the 5th millenium BC (4000-5000 BC) suggesting that something happened c. 4500 BC, which only one clan survived in a large area covering much of Europe and central Asia. (Alternatively, maybe Aryan tribes were busy expanding into the retreating glacier areas, until this retreat slowed markedly c. 4100 BC, and they had to scatter to look for new territory. See next post.)
The Sphinx might be Atlantean, predating 4300 BC, then remodeled during the Old Kingdom. If Atlantis had the level of civilization of 16th century Europe, its main residue would have been stone buildings, which would have been dismantled to make other buildings.
Atlantean astronomers as advanced as Brahe and Kepler, might have observed the Barbarossa system if it were greatly brightened by whatever disturbance occurred as it passed the latus rectum. Stonehenge (c. 2000 BC), Avebury (bigger and older than Stonehenge) and the like, might have been aids to accurate naked eye astrometry based on averaging many measurements by many observers. Atlanteans would have correlated the "new stars" with comet strikes or other physical disasters, causing enduring interest in astronomy and astrology far beyond agricultural needs. The damage might come not from Barbarossa per se nor even from comets influenced by it, but from this disturbance in the ether between the Solar and Barbarossa systems: the ES.
My new, eccentric, calculation of Barbarossa's orbit little affects Barbarossa's present 1/r^3, but halves its average 1/r^3. The present (i.e., epoch 1976) tidal force is proportional to 1/208^3 vs. the previous estimate 1/198^3; to compensate for this and give the same present tidal force as estimated previously, Barbarossa's mass needs to be only (208/198)^3 = 1.16x bigger.
The orbital time-average, of 1/r^3 i.e. u^3, is the average with respect to theta of u^(3-2), divided by the average w.r.t. theta of u^(-2). The denominator can be found from the binomial series in eccentricity (only even terms have nonzero time average), replacing all but the first five terms with an approximating geometric series. The time-average 1/r^3 is only 0.50x 1/(latus rectum)^3; i.e. Barbarossa's mass needs to be 2.01x bigger (Barbarossa now is near its latus rectum). So, maybe the orbital precession frequencies of Neptune, Pluto and the classical Edgeworth-Kuiper belt, due to the known solar system :: due to Barbarossa, aren't 3::1, 2::1 and 1::1 resp., but rather 6::1, 4::1 and 2::1. (Other explanations are possible.)
In my earlier post, I said my orbit estimate for Barbarossa had perihelion only 13 yr before 1583.0 (Pope Gregory's reformed calendar began with a jump to Oct. 15, 1582). I also said that Joseph Scaliger's 1583 system of Julian dates, sets JD 0 = 4713.0 BC, 6295 yr earlier than 1583.0 (my estimate of Barbarossa's period is 6340 yr).
Maybe Buoncompagni and Scaliger had Atlantean knowledge. The young Clavius (who published an 800 page book about it) and other leading astronomers collaborated for a decade on the Gregorian calendar reform, yet the Gregorian leap year reform wasn't urgent: the Julian calendar error had been accumulating for 1600 yr, Protestant countries still were getting around to adopting the Gregorian reform almost 200 yr later, and Russia after almost 400 yr. The promulgation of a new calendar in 1582 (at Barbarossa's perihelion as then known from hermetic sources?) might have been a beneficent "time capsule".
The Gregorian calendar is set to the tropical year, so from 1600 to 2000, Earth's perihelion date (neglecting Earth's perihelion advance) would have moved forward 400/25785*365 = 5.7 days; including the perihelion advance, it would be 6.9. That is, if perihelion was Jan. 3 in 2000, it would have been Dec. 27 in 1600. Christmas, Dec. 25, originally was set nearer to perihelion than to the solstice, though the perihelion has been moving forward because it depends on the anomalistic year (about the same as the sidereal year), not the tropical year. Pope Gregory's committee seemed conscious of perihelia, as anchor dates for calendars.
Plato's "Critias" testifies that Egypt had special knowledge of Atlantis and America, though modern experts note that some of the events told by Critias, seem confused with the eruption on Thera and the fall of the Minoan Empire to the Hellenes. Solon was, in part, educated in Egypt; there he learned about Atlantis. Solon passed the knowledge of Atlantis on to his fellow Athenians as oral tradition, until it was written down by Plato.
Heyerdahl and others have given evidence of an Egypt - Mesoamerican connection. Maybe the Mayan calendar ends, or rather has a major terminus, at the 2012 winter solstice (I gather that Mayan calendars used a 365 day year but little heeded leap years, equinoxes or solstices) because of an Atlantean plan to post a warning. Indeed a stone carving (Monument 6, Tortuguero, Mexico) warns of literal disaster then, when a God of war (but this God also is a God of creation and of a symbolic nine-foot tree) descends, named "Bolon" (Prof. Robert Sitler of Stetson College, chapter in a book called "2012", by an anonymous editor).
The Egypt chronology in the Columbia Encyclopedia ("Dynasties" table in "Egypt" article) begins at 3110 BC, 5121 yr before 2012 AD. The Mayan "long count" (the Mayans had several parallel calendars) of 13 "pik" cycles, is 5200 years of 360 days (though parallel Mayan calendars had 5 extra days per year) = 5125.25 yr (several chapters in the abovementioned editor-less "2012" book explain the Mayan calendar, about as well as it can be explained, I suppose). Maybe Egypt got started with essentially the same calendar, also ending a long cycle in 2012.
The medium Edgar Cayce gave 10500 BC as the date for the ultimate destruction of Atlantis (Adrian Gilbert's "2012"). This date might be contaminated somehow by the consciousness, of Cayce's questioners, that Plato had said c. 9500 BC. However 2012 AD - 2*6340 = 10669 BC. If I use Scaliger's period instead of my own, it's 2012 - 2*6295 = 10579 BC.
My Barbarossa has perihelion 133.9 AU. Little happened at the last perihelion in 1569 (my est.) or 1582 (hermetic estimate of Pope Gregory et al?). I suspect that the outgoing latus rectum is disastrous. At the latus rectum, the radial acceleration toward Earth, d2r/dt2, is zero; that is, dr/dt is maximum. Nearby the acceleration achieves small multiples of H*c, the Hubble parameter times the speed of light. This acceleration value also is observed for millisecond pulsars: it is physically important. Small multiples of this relative acceleration might cause an "ether soliton" ("ES").
Barbarossa is unique. It is massive, nearby, and yet outside my proposed Solar "ether island" of radius 52.6 AU. By my estimate, its orbital latus rectum was passed 2003.94, but Barbarossa's d2r/dt2 will be 2*H*c, on 2012.96. (Dec. 21, 2012 is 2012.97.)
Alternatively, using the first day of the new Gregorian calendar, 1582.79, as perihelion, and Scaliger's period, approx. 6294.79 yr, then getting the area between perihelion and latus rectum from exact integral calculus assuming my eccentricity estimate e=0.610596 (probably my most accurate calculated parameter) I find that the latus rectum will be passed 2013.98, at the solstice a year later.
Adrian Gilbert, "2012", shows diagrams of trios of pyramids in Egypt (the three great pyramids of the Old Kingdom) and Mesoamerica, which are congruent in their positions, to the slightly nonlinear geometry of Orion's three belt stars. My program finds Barbarossa's descending node (orbital inclination to ecliptic: 12.93 deg) of the center of mass of Barbarossa/Frey, to be RA 112.654, Decl +21.817. This point on the ecliptic is in Gemini. The argument of perihelion is 180-25.022=154.978; i.e., the perihelion is 25.0deg west of the descending node, as measured along the orbit. Though arctan(0.5) = 26.6deg often would arise in architecture, when one side of a right triangle is half the other, this angle (said by Robert Temple to be common at Giza) also might have astronomical significance desired to be built into durable structures as a mnemonic so that Barbarossa will be recognized quickly when it returns.
The perihelion is ~30deg due North of Orion's belt (roughly true now as well as in ancient Egypt, despite some pole precession). (As given earlier, the semimajor axis is 343.840 AU, the eccentricity 0.610596 and the period 6339.93 yr.) At the most recent presumed destruction, in 2013 - 6295(Scaliger's period) = 4283 BC, the vernal equinox would have been (using Newcomb's precession rate) at J2000 ecliptic longitude 87.402, so Barbarossa's descending node would have been at ecliptic longitude 110.952-87.402=23.55deg relative to the equinox of date. Barbarossa's perihelion would have been only ~5deg North of the equinox ("first point of Gemini" in those days).
A catastrophic physical phenomenon occurring at or just after the outgoing latus rectum, that is, near Barbarossa's present position, could brighten Barbarossa to about magnitude -5, if it is, as I suspect, about the size of Earth (though 10x the mass of Jupiter) and it became heated to the temperature of the Sun. This part of the orbit is almost parallel to the ecliptic, so Earth parallax mainly moves it back and forth along its orbital track. It would be easy for Egyptian or Atlantean astronomers to extrapolate the visible part of the orbit to the ecliptic, the usual home of wandering stars.
Calculating the perihelion would be harder, but could be done by "second differences" of the seasonally-adjusted angular speed. Orion's belt is the easiest marker of this spot.
The previous disaster, perhaps 2013 (13, an unlucky number) - 6295 = 4283 BC, is about the right length of time ago, for us to have the legends of universal floods, extermination and other destruction that we have: legends much less complete than, say, the Iliad. Also, the root Indo-European language, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, dates from the 5th millenium BC (4000-5000 BC) suggesting that something happened c. 4500 BC, which only one clan survived in a large area covering much of Europe and central Asia. (Alternatively, maybe Aryan tribes were busy expanding into the retreating glacier areas, until this retreat slowed markedly c. 4100 BC, and they had to scatter to look for new territory. See next post.)
The Sphinx might be Atlantean, predating 4300 BC, then remodeled during the Old Kingdom. If Atlantis had the level of civilization of 16th century Europe, its main residue would have been stone buildings, which would have been dismantled to make other buildings.
Atlantean astronomers as advanced as Brahe and Kepler, might have observed the Barbarossa system if it were greatly brightened by whatever disturbance occurred as it passed the latus rectum. Stonehenge (c. 2000 BC), Avebury (bigger and older than Stonehenge) and the like, might have been aids to accurate naked eye astrometry based on averaging many measurements by many observers. Atlanteans would have correlated the "new stars" with comet strikes or other physical disasters, causing enduring interest in astronomy and astrology far beyond agricultural needs. The damage might come not from Barbarossa per se nor even from comets influenced by it, but from this disturbance in the ether between the Solar and Barbarossa systems: the ES.
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- Joe Keller
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15 years 9 months ago #20432
by Joe Keller
Replied by Joe Keller on topic Reply from
(email sent today, Friday, March 13, 2009, to "Coast to Coast" radio program producer)
Dear Sir:
I'd rather not appear solo on Coast to Coast, but I'd like to debate either Phil Plait, Dr. Neil Tyson, or anyone else who will take the negative position, or all of them together, about the existence of Planet X. I've already challenged Dr. Tyson, to a debate about Planet X on Coast to Coast, in an email to him. I've been censored from Phil Plait's messageboard, "Bad Astronomy".
I've amassed evidence that Lowell's Planet X, which I call Barbarossa, exists, including quantitative information about its orbit, and its location on all four relevant red and optical infrared emulsion sky survey photographic plates (from online scans). The details are on my posts to the messageboard of Dr. Tom Van Flandern, at www.metaresearch.org , in the "Requiem for Relativity" thread, under my name, Joe Keller.
Don't heed any simple dismissal of my views. I'm familiar with the usual objections and can rebut them in depth. I'm a 1977 graduate of Harvard College, B. A. cumlaude in Mathematics.
Joseph C. Keller, M. D.
cc: Candace Lowell; Andy Lloyd
Dear Sir:
I'd rather not appear solo on Coast to Coast, but I'd like to debate either Phil Plait, Dr. Neil Tyson, or anyone else who will take the negative position, or all of them together, about the existence of Planet X. I've already challenged Dr. Tyson, to a debate about Planet X on Coast to Coast, in an email to him. I've been censored from Phil Plait's messageboard, "Bad Astronomy".
I've amassed evidence that Lowell's Planet X, which I call Barbarossa, exists, including quantitative information about its orbit, and its location on all four relevant red and optical infrared emulsion sky survey photographic plates (from online scans). The details are on my posts to the messageboard of Dr. Tom Van Flandern, at www.metaresearch.org , in the "Requiem for Relativity" thread, under my name, Joe Keller.
Don't heed any simple dismissal of my views. I'm familiar with the usual objections and can rebut them in depth. I'm a 1977 graduate of Harvard College, B. A. cumlaude in Mathematics.
Joseph C. Keller, M. D.
cc: Candace Lowell; Andy Lloyd
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15 years 9 months ago #20437
by Jim
Replied by Jim on topic Reply from
Dr Joe, While we are waiting for some telescope time can we kick around the impending results of a look see? What if nothing is found after a search do you change the calculations or challange the math that lead to all this fuss? It seems to me your ideas are based on a model and if the calculations are right something else is wrong. As you can see I'm hoping nothing is found but either way its a good project that should generate a new discovery.
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- Joe Keller
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15 years 9 months ago #23631
by Joe Keller
Replied by Joe Keller on topic Reply from
Climate Change vs. Phase of Barbarossa Solar Orbit
Though Ice Age data have been correlated with small-amplitude astronomical cycles of Earth's precession, obliquity and eccentricity (Hays, Science 194:1121+, 1976) it's been necessary to invoke positive feedback schemes to explain the magnitude of the climate change. Maybe these cycles are effects, not causes. Ice Ages end suddenly. Again some try to explain this with positive feedback, but maybe Ice Ages are regulated by some larger event.
IW Jones et al, Global & Planetary Change 33:139+, 2002, show in Figs. 4, 6, 8 & 9, that bicarbonate, germanium & silicon studies locate the last spike in glacial melt to have been the entire period from 6000 to 12000 yr ago. This is between one and two orbital periods of Barbarossa ago, but these charts are not precise enough to show whether the endpoint was the latus rectum or the perihelion.
Thom & Roy, Journal of Sedimentary Research vol. 55, 1985, say in the abstract that sea level rise, as measured at Australia (a geologically stable continent with little human disturbance) ended c. 6500 (by 14-Carbon dating) yr BP. SM Flanagan (article on www.keckgeology.org , 2003 or later, according to the bibliography) says terraces at Cape Liptrap on the Australian coast, formed ~125,000 yr and 5570 +/-40 yr (the latter by 14-C) BP, are strange because after formation they were partly uplifted, deformed and faulted, though on a "passive continental margin".
Burbridge et al, Quaternary Research 61:215+, 2004, studied sediments in two lakes in the Bolivian Amazon. About 39,000 yr BP ("Before Present"), sediment deposition in Laguna Chaplin declined to ~ 1/3 normal, and declined in Laguna Bella Vista (LBV) to almost nothing. Then 11030 +/-80 "14-Carbon" yr BP, deposition resumed in LBV, but it was only sand, until 9820 +/-70 BP, when fast clay & mud deposition gradually began to occur. Corrected for the difference between calendar and 14-C yrs (following Klaus; see below) the start and end of this "sand" period (presumably torrential seasonal Andean snowmelt) correspond to the "Younger Dryas", said to have been 12900(?) to 11550(+/-20) BP (Wikipedia, etc.).
Citing Prof. Glynn Custred, Academic Questions 13:12-30, 2000, Wikipedia's article, "Kennewick Man", says that for this skeleton, 8400 "14-C yr" equalled 9300 calendar yr. Following Custred, I convert the (possibly younger) sample from the (possibly subsequently) anomalously deformed coastal terrace at Australia's Cape Liptrap to 6170 +/-40 BP; this uncertainty would be that of the "14-C date", not of the calendar date.
KF Klaus et al, XVI INQUA Congress Paper No. 83-12, 2003, equate 12350 14-C BP to 14300 calendar BP, for Swiss pines. Following Klaus, I convert Lake Bella Vista's sand interval to 12770 +/-80 BP (start) - 11370 +/-80 (end).
Klaus (op. cit.) says:
"The absolute chronology developed by the Hohenheim lab is based on German oak for most of the Holocene and dates back to 10,340 yr BP. The older part, based on pine samples also from Switzerland, extends the absolute record back to 12,454 yr BP. In the pine series we observe a drastic growth reduction at c. 11,590 yr BP, which we associate with the YD/PB [Younger Dryas / Preboreal] transition. ...between 10,850 and 10,600 BP, [there is] only one tree sample which has 245 annual rings, while there are several specimens that fall within the interval between 10,600 BP and the start of the absolute chronology."
Klaus' tree ring chronology, unfortunately does not go back to the beginning of the Younger Dryas.
Science 2 January 2009
Vol. 323. no. 5910, p. 94
Nanodiamonds in the Younger Dryas Boundary Sediment Layer
D. J. Kennett et al
"We report abundant nanodiamonds in sediments dating to 12.9 +/-0.1 thousand calendar years before the present at multiple locations across North America. ...These diamonds provide strong evidence for Earth's collision with a rare swarm of carbonaceous chondrites or comets at the onset of the Younger Dryas cool interval, producing multiple airbursts and possible surface impacts..."
On "Physics Forums" I found this abstract:
Luecke A & Brauer A, 2004
Biogeochemical and Micro-Facial Fingerprints of Ecosystem Response to Rapid Late Glacial Climatic Changes in Varved Sediments of Meerfelder Maar (Germany)
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 211:139+
"The response of a lacustrine ecosystem to climatic changes from 13,500 to 10,800 BP was studied in a varve dated sediment profile of Lake Meerfelder Maar. ...A prominent transition took place within two decades at the AL/YD boundary (12,690 - 12,670 BP). ..."
Though many sources say 12900 BP, this definitive study found 12680 +/-10 BP, i.e. 12688 = 2*6344 yr before 2012. This compares well to my orbital period calculation for Barbarossa, 6340 yr. However, the anomalous deformation in Australia possibly ~6180yr before 2012, suggests an anomalous terrestrial, not a meteoric, phenomenon.
Though Ice Age data have been correlated with small-amplitude astronomical cycles of Earth's precession, obliquity and eccentricity (Hays, Science 194:1121+, 1976) it's been necessary to invoke positive feedback schemes to explain the magnitude of the climate change. Maybe these cycles are effects, not causes. Ice Ages end suddenly. Again some try to explain this with positive feedback, but maybe Ice Ages are regulated by some larger event.
IW Jones et al, Global & Planetary Change 33:139+, 2002, show in Figs. 4, 6, 8 & 9, that bicarbonate, germanium & silicon studies locate the last spike in glacial melt to have been the entire period from 6000 to 12000 yr ago. This is between one and two orbital periods of Barbarossa ago, but these charts are not precise enough to show whether the endpoint was the latus rectum or the perihelion.
Thom & Roy, Journal of Sedimentary Research vol. 55, 1985, say in the abstract that sea level rise, as measured at Australia (a geologically stable continent with little human disturbance) ended c. 6500 (by 14-Carbon dating) yr BP. SM Flanagan (article on www.keckgeology.org , 2003 or later, according to the bibliography) says terraces at Cape Liptrap on the Australian coast, formed ~125,000 yr and 5570 +/-40 yr (the latter by 14-C) BP, are strange because after formation they were partly uplifted, deformed and faulted, though on a "passive continental margin".
Burbridge et al, Quaternary Research 61:215+, 2004, studied sediments in two lakes in the Bolivian Amazon. About 39,000 yr BP ("Before Present"), sediment deposition in Laguna Chaplin declined to ~ 1/3 normal, and declined in Laguna Bella Vista (LBV) to almost nothing. Then 11030 +/-80 "14-Carbon" yr BP, deposition resumed in LBV, but it was only sand, until 9820 +/-70 BP, when fast clay & mud deposition gradually began to occur. Corrected for the difference between calendar and 14-C yrs (following Klaus; see below) the start and end of this "sand" period (presumably torrential seasonal Andean snowmelt) correspond to the "Younger Dryas", said to have been 12900(?) to 11550(+/-20) BP (Wikipedia, etc.).
Citing Prof. Glynn Custred, Academic Questions 13:12-30, 2000, Wikipedia's article, "Kennewick Man", says that for this skeleton, 8400 "14-C yr" equalled 9300 calendar yr. Following Custred, I convert the (possibly younger) sample from the (possibly subsequently) anomalously deformed coastal terrace at Australia's Cape Liptrap to 6170 +/-40 BP; this uncertainty would be that of the "14-C date", not of the calendar date.
KF Klaus et al, XVI INQUA Congress Paper No. 83-12, 2003, equate 12350 14-C BP to 14300 calendar BP, for Swiss pines. Following Klaus, I convert Lake Bella Vista's sand interval to 12770 +/-80 BP (start) - 11370 +/-80 (end).
Klaus (op. cit.) says:
"The absolute chronology developed by the Hohenheim lab is based on German oak for most of the Holocene and dates back to 10,340 yr BP. The older part, based on pine samples also from Switzerland, extends the absolute record back to 12,454 yr BP. In the pine series we observe a drastic growth reduction at c. 11,590 yr BP, which we associate with the YD/PB [Younger Dryas / Preboreal] transition. ...between 10,850 and 10,600 BP, [there is] only one tree sample which has 245 annual rings, while there are several specimens that fall within the interval between 10,600 BP and the start of the absolute chronology."
Klaus' tree ring chronology, unfortunately does not go back to the beginning of the Younger Dryas.
Science 2 January 2009
Vol. 323. no. 5910, p. 94
Nanodiamonds in the Younger Dryas Boundary Sediment Layer
D. J. Kennett et al
"We report abundant nanodiamonds in sediments dating to 12.9 +/-0.1 thousand calendar years before the present at multiple locations across North America. ...These diamonds provide strong evidence for Earth's collision with a rare swarm of carbonaceous chondrites or comets at the onset of the Younger Dryas cool interval, producing multiple airbursts and possible surface impacts..."
On "Physics Forums" I found this abstract:
Luecke A & Brauer A, 2004
Biogeochemical and Micro-Facial Fingerprints of Ecosystem Response to Rapid Late Glacial Climatic Changes in Varved Sediments of Meerfelder Maar (Germany)
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 211:139+
"The response of a lacustrine ecosystem to climatic changes from 13,500 to 10,800 BP was studied in a varve dated sediment profile of Lake Meerfelder Maar. ...A prominent transition took place within two decades at the AL/YD boundary (12,690 - 12,670 BP). ..."
Though many sources say 12900 BP, this definitive study found 12680 +/-10 BP, i.e. 12688 = 2*6344 yr before 2012. This compares well to my orbital period calculation for Barbarossa, 6340 yr. However, the anomalous deformation in Australia possibly ~6180yr before 2012, suggests an anomalous terrestrial, not a meteoric, phenomenon.
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15 years 9 months ago #23403
by shando
Replied by shando on topic Reply from Jim Shand
It might be appropriate to check out "Lost Star of myth and time" by Walter Cruttenden, if you have not already done so, Joe. He has made a pretty good case for so-called "precession" to be due to our sun being in a binary orbit with some other star, such Sirus.
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15 years 9 months ago #20438
by Stoat
Replied by Stoat on topic Reply from Robert Turner
It is distinctly possible that our solar system formed by dumping angular momentum into the dust cloud that would later become Vega. Vega then takes longer to form into a sun. We're heading towards Vega but Vega is also moving in the same direction, though I think I might have to check that.
Okay so we've really got the barycentre of the solar system at the equinox but we think it's close to the sun and in line with Jupiter. We want to measure the parallax of some star and we measure it again after six months. The distances we get for spring and autumn sightings are going to be right but are going to be out for summer winter sightings.
Okay so we've really got the barycentre of the solar system at the equinox but we think it's close to the sun and in line with Jupiter. We want to measure the parallax of some star and we measure it again after six months. The distances we get for spring and autumn sightings are going to be right but are going to be out for summer winter sightings.
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