... about this web site 129 topics
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News and Information 80 topicsof importance to all readers of this web site.
Plaudits and Pundits 49 topicsHave a suggestion, criticism or a question? Post your comments here, unless they are something that needs immediate attention. In that case please use our feedback form.
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Astrophysics 288 topics
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Gravitational Lensing 7 topicsDiscussions of real Einstein rings and ring arcs caused by strong foreground gravitating masses, and pseudo-gravitational lenses that are probably foreground quasars producing multiple images by refraction when their jets are pointed our way.
Gravity & Relativity 281 topicsObservational evidence suggests that gravity progagates faster than the speed of light. How can such evidence be reconciled with Special Relativity? What is the physical nature of gravity?
Cosmology 139 topics
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Big Bang and Alternatives 110 topicsThe big bang (BB) theory is widely accepted because redshift in distant objects is seen as evidence for an expanding universe. But how strong are the cases for and against the BB? Are we even sure that redshift corresponds to expansion velocity?
Galaxies 29 topicsGalaxies are the laboratory of cosmology. How is our growing knowledge of galactic structures shaping modern cosmological theory? How is the perception of galactic organization affected by different interpretations of red shift?
General Matters 173 topics
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Big Science and Big Government 8 topicsScientific exploration has always depended on the generosity of patrons. For most of mankind's history such patronage came from governments and religions. Briefly, in the 1800s, patrons became mostly private citizens. By the mid 1900s we were back to primarily government funding.
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Meta Science 165 topicsScientific methodology. How Meta science distinguishes itself from mainstream science and from alternative or other replacement models.
Planetary Science 187 topics
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Exploded Planet Hypothesis 7 topicsA place to explore the idea that the asteroids and comets are left over fragments from planetary explosions rather than left over fragments from the creation of the solar system that never gathered together into a larger body.
Origin of Solar System 31 topicsSpecializes in problems with the primeval solar nebula hypothesis and the pros and cons of the fission hypothesis for the origin of planets and moons.
Terrestrial Science 30 topicsHow does our own planet act and react to the forces of nature? Where does Earth's excess heat originate? What are the effects of other planets on our own?
Artificial Structures on Mars 119 topicsImages suggesting artifiality and criteria for significance thereof.
Meta Research Members Only 13 topics
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Anything of interest 10 topicsPaid-up Meta Research Supporting Members can email <tomvf@metaresearch.org> with your Message Board UserName and your real name (as in Meta Research membership records) to get admitted to this forum.
Deep Reality Physics 3 topicsPrivate forum - if you can see it you are invited.
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