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Patron Member ($100 - 1 year)
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Purchase recommended titles. Please note also that shipping costs are added to Book and CD orders.

Dark Matter Missing Planets & New Comets ($22.50)
Author: Dr. Tom Van Flandern
Evidence against the Big Bang theory; an exposition of the Meta Model alternative for the origin and nature of the universe; deductive models for the origins of stars, planets, moons, comets, asteroids, meteoroids, rings, Sun & planet spots; the latest on the hypothetical "tenth planet" beyond Pluto; an alternative to the Oort cloud of comets and the "dirty snowball" comet model; and much, much more. Find out more.
Special limited-time offer: Click here to get a COMPLIMENTARY COPY of the above book ("Dark Matter...") with a new or renewal Membership order (any category) for just the cost of shipping.
Print Subscriptions
Subscribe to print version of Meta Research publications. Covers cost of printing and mailing only.
Meta Research Bulletin (USA & Canada) ($19 - 1 year) Subscribers will receive Meta Research's scientific journal for 1 year (3 issues) by surface mail.
Meta Research Bulletin (other countries) ($24 - 1 year)
Subscribers will receive Meta Research's scientific journal for 1 year (3 issues) by airmail.
Back issues are now available for $5 each ($2 each for members). Click here for a list of back issues and their contents. (Note: Volumes 1-3 are out of print.)
Multimedia CDs
Purchase computer CDs containing papers and multimedia presentations (requiring a PC running Windows 98SE or later). Please note also that shipping costs are added to Book and CD orders.
Gravity CD ($19)
Nature & origin of gravity, its propagation speed, reconciliation with relativity, inertia, etc. A collection of papers, presentations, graphics, animations. Find out more.
Evolving Mars CD ($19)
Dr. Tom Van Flandern's slides from full 3-hour presentation about the amazing Mars anomalies. Topics include gravity, the Exploded Planet Hypothesis (EPH), and the origin of planets and moons as relevant to understanding Mars.
A Short Tour of the Universe ($19)
Dr. Tom Van Flandern's slides of spacecraft and Hubble photos of the Sun, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, meteor storms, stars, nebulae, supernovae remnants, galaxies, and galaxy clusters. ~75 slides.
EME Notes Master Volume ($25)
~2000 notes of important articles, puzzles, and anomalies (1992-2006).
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