Featured Articles
Book Review: Seeing Red by Halton Arp
2014-09-10 22:23:42
Book Review: Seeing Red by Halton Arp Review by Tom Van Flandern Publications Memberships & Store...
Did the Universe Have a Beginning?
2014-09-07 01:34:53
Did the Universe Have a Beginning Abstract Introduction What Does Expansion Mean? Does the...
Physics Has Its Principles
2014-09-07 01:31:45
Physics Has Its Principles 'Physics is about everything one can see, hear or think about in the...
Quasars: Near Versus Far
2014-09-11 03:51:10
Quasars: Near Versus Far By Tom Van Flandern, Reprinted from the Sept. 15 1992 issue of the Meta...
The Top 30 Problems with the Big Bang
2014-09-07 01:39:36
The Top 30 Problems with the Big Bang 'Cosmologists are often in error, but never in doubt.' --...
Top Ten Problems with the Big Bang
2014-09-07 01:36:54
Top Ten Problems with the Big Bang Tom Van Flandern, Meta Research A short list of the leading...
What the Global Positioning System Tells Us about Relativity
2014-09-11 04:17:03
What the Global Positioning System Tells Us about Relativity Tom Van Flandern, Univ. of Maryland &...
Book Review: Seeing Red by Halton Arp
2014-09-10 22:23:42
Does Gravity Have Inertia?
2014-09-07 02:03:04
Does Gravity Have Inertia? Inertia: the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest and the...
Does space curve?
2014-09-07 02:14:13
Does space curve? "I hold that space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can have no...
Is faster-than-light propagation allowed by the laws of physics?
2014-09-07 03:01:56
Is faster than light propagation allowed by the laws of physics? (a primer on Lorentzian...
Lorentz Contraction
2014-09-07 02:55:16
Lorentz Contraction from Meta Research Bulletin, 2003 Vol. 12 Issue 3 Tom Van Flandern/Meta...
The Perihelion Advance Formula from Lorentzian Principles
2014-09-11 04:48:22
The Perihelion Advance Formula from Lorentzian Principles (reprinted from Meta Research Bulletin 8:1-9...
Does Gravity Have Inertia?
2014-09-07 02:03:04