The Big Bang and Vacuum / Nothing.

16 years 8 months ago #20086 by tvanflandern
Please do not use this Message Board to advertise other web sites. Please keep "God" references down to what is relevant to science. Religion is off-topic here. Thank you. -|Tom|-

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16 years 8 months ago #20088 by Jim
Replied by Jim on topic Reply from
If you begin with T=OK don't you need to create something to get beyond the beginning? Create a bigbang maybe? Or what happens after T=OK?

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16 years 8 months ago #20089 by socratus
Replied by socratus on topic Reply from israel socratus
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Jim</i>
<br />If you begin with T=OK don't you need to create something to get beyond the beginning? Create a bigbang maybe? Or what happens after T=OK?
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
Or what happens after T=OK? / Jim /
If you , dear Jim, want to understand this ,
you must ask yourself:
What is a geometrical and physical parameters of particles
in Vacuum, in Nothing , in T=0K?
Can we know anything about this "soup of virtual particles" in vacuum?

The physicists think about the " virtual, negative, imaginary
(i^2=-1) " particles as about of a " point". They are mistaken.
Because, there are physical laws which forbid such opinion.
Because according to J. Charles law ( 1787), when the
temperature falls down on 1 degree the volume decreases
on 1/273. And when the temperature reaches -273 degrees
the volume disappears.
Because, as consequence from the Third Law
( W. Nernst-1906, M. Planck-1911, A.Einstein-1925)
when it is closer to zero T=0K the particles lose more
their volume, density, pressure. The volume of these
particles aspires to infinity. And when this infinity
comes nobody knows what to do with the infinity.
But, according to the
" Law of conservation and transformation of energy"
the particles cannot disappear. So, they can only change
its geometrical form and its kinetic energy and become
flat particles with potential energy. These flat particles
must have geometrical form of a circle C/D=pi.
So, it is mistaken to think about elementary particle
as about a point.
Best wishes.

The secret of words 'God', 'soul ', 'religion', Existence,
'dualism of consciousness', 'human being' is hidden
in the Theory of Light quanta.

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16 years 8 months ago #20818 by Jim
Replied by Jim on topic Reply from
Soc, Well I try to understand. It seems to me you are saying everything exists in a vacuum and zero equals infinity. If so you have the same old stuff that every model tries to grasp. Why not accept the real universe as it is-a mystery. Stop with the models and just observe and record what you see and let it go. No one has ever figured it out thats why we have so many perspectives. But as to the heat/energy detail the second law is only of use within the limits it was designed to be used within.

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16 years 7 months ago #15357 by Pluto
Replied by Pluto on topic Reply from
G'day from the land of ozzzzzzzzz

Jim you hit the nail on the head, do it by observations and work out the workings of each part rather than trying to work out the giant puzzel without knowing the parts.

Smile and live another day

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16 years 7 months ago #15362 by ultranerd
Replied by ultranerd on topic Reply from Dale
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Pluto</i>
<br />G'day from the land of ozzzzzzzzz

Jim you hit the nail on the head, do it by observations and work out the workings of each part rather than trying to work out the giant puzzel without knowing the parts.

Smile and live another day
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Not wanting to give a long post take a look at my still incomplete poorly constructed mess of a website. .
A simple thing like the way gravity slows time and then showing how this slowing of time can contract matter in such a way that you expand the surrounding space leads you to the same predictions as those of inflation theory.One thing leads to another in just the way you ask.
The alternative theory give some quantitative predictions and is subject to falsification so it qualify's as an actual theory.
Even our planet may have enough gravity to expand the surrounding space by a measurable amount and I had ask if GPS might be able to measure if if anyone looked.The planet will measure both farther away and larger than could fit if the planet were drawn to scale on a piece of paper.Black holes just go to the extreme and their creations never get to the point where singularities could form and event horizons get stretched out.It could in some ways be described as, its as if all the newly created space will just get in the way.
You will find more about this theory on my occasional news group postings than you will find on my site at this time so look for my postings in sci.physics as signed Dale.
Ask me some questions here on anything you don't find there.

Knowledge of a question is Knowledge.Knowledge of an original question is original Knowledge.

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