
Join us for what we expect to be a once-in-a-lifetime educational and viewing experience – a probable Leonid meteor storm, a full astronomy program, plus a visit to the tropical paradise that is Guam! The week-long expedition is from Wednesday to Tuesday, November 14-20, 2001. Send your reservation form with deposit at your earliest opportunity to the address below.

Travel arrangements will be handled by Perry Travel, as for our solar eclipse expeditions. Please ask for Paula Foggo at 800/371-9361 (toll free) or 828/299-8185 (non-USA).

Our recorded announcement (which repeats highlights from this bulletin) is available at 800/898-3343. Our web page (which repeats this bulletin) can be found at Meta Research astronomer Tom Van Flandern, who will lead this expedition, can be contacted at 360/504-1169.

Eclipse Edge Expeditions/L01

P.O. Box 15186

Chevy Chase, MD 20825-5186