Glossary for the Extended Meta-notes by E-mail
The following abbreviated journal names are used in the notes.
a&ss | Astrophysics and Space Science |
aa | Astronomy & Astrophysics |
aj | Astronomical Journal |
ajp | American Journal of Physics |
apj | Astrophysical Journal |
apn | Apeiron |
eos | EOS (Transactions of the American Geophysical Union) |
ge | Galilean Electrodynamics |
ic | Icarus |
jgr | Journal of Geophysical Research - Section E: Planets |
jse | Journal of Scientific Exploration |
nat | Nature |
psi | Planetary and Space Science |
s&t | Sky and Telescope |
sam | Scientific American |
sci | Science |
scn | Science News |
si | Skeptical Inquirer |
The following list of acronyms may be used in the notes.
AGB | asymptotic giant branch |
AGN | active galactic nucleus |
ASCA | Japanese x-ray telescope |
BAL | broad absorption line |
BBB | big blue bump (in quasar spectra) |
BBXRT | Broad-Band X-ray Telescope |
BCG | blue compact galaxies |
BDM | baryonic dark matter |
BH | black hole |
BL Lac | BL Lacertae object (galaxy) |
CAI | calcium-aluminum-rich inclusion (in meteorites) |
CCD | charged couple device |
psi | Planetary and Space Science |
cD | compact disk galaxy |
CDM | cold dark matter |
CFRS | Canada-France redshift survey |
CG | compact group (of galaxies) |
CMB | cosmic microwave background |
CMD | color-magnitude diagram |
CO | Compton Observatory |
COBE | COsmic Background Explorer |
CREA | cosmic ray exposure age |
CV | cataclysmic variable |
dC | carbon-rich dwarf star |
DIB | diffuse interstellar band |
DIG | diffuse ionized gas |
DLA | damped Ly-alpha absorber |
DLAS | damped Lyman-alpha system |
EBL | extragalactic background light |
EBR | extragalactic background radiation field |
EDM | energy dominant monster |
EGG | evaporating gaseous globules |
EKO | Edgeworth-Kuiper object |
EO | Einstein Observatory |
IPC | |
MPC | |
SSS | |
ERO | extremely red object |
ESE | extreme scattering event |
EUV | extreme ultraviolet |
EUVE | Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer |
FIRST | Faint images of the radio sky at twenty cm |
FRW | Friedmann-Robertson-Walker iniverse model |
FUV | far ultraviolet |
FR | Fanaroff-Riley radio source type |
FSRQ | flat spectrum radio quasar |
FWHM | full width at half-maximum |
GBH | galactic blach hole candidate |
GC | globular cluster |
GR | general relativity |
GRB | gamma ray burst |
GRBR | gamma ray burst remnant |
GRO | Gamma Ray Observatory (see Compton Observatory) |
HB | horizontal branch |
HCG | Hickson compact group (of galaxies) |
HDF | Hubble deep field |
HDM | hot dark matter |
HET | Hobby-Eberly telescope (11 m. at McDonald Observatory) |
HHO | Herbig-Haro object |
HST | Hubble Space Telescope |
FOS | faint object spectrograph |
GHRS | Goddard high-resolution spectrograph |
WFPC | wide-field planetary camera |
HVC | high-velocity cloud |
ICM | intracluster medium |
IGM | intergalactic medium |
IIM | ionized interstellar medium |
IMF | initial mass function interplanetary magnetic field |
ION | isolated old neutron star |
IRAF | Infrared Astronomy Facility |
IRAS | Infrared Astronomy Satellite |
IRTS | Infrared Telescope in Space |
ISM | interstellar medium |
ISO | infrared space observatory (European satellite) |
IUE | International Ultraviolet Explorer |
LBQS | large bright quasar survey |
LBV | luminous blue variable |
IUE | International Ultraviolet Explorer |
LF | luminosity function |
LMC | Large Magellanic Cloud |
LMXB | low-mass X-ray binaries |
LSC | local supercluster |
LTE | local thermodynamic equilibrium |
M/L | mass to light ratio |
MACHO | massive compact halo object |
MDM | mixed dark matter (hot and cold) |
MMT | multiple mirror telescope |
IUE | International Ultraviolet Explorer |
MOND | modified (Newtonian) dynamics |
MS | main sequence |
MSTO | main-sequence turnoff |
MTB | mass-transfer binary |
MW | Milky Way galaxy |
OGLE | optical gravitational lensing experiment |
OLF | optical luminosity function |
OT | optical transient |
OVV | optically violently variable |
PIB | primeval isocurvature baryon |
PLE | pure luminosity evolution (quasars), w/o density evolution |
PNN | planetary nebula nuclei |
QPO | quasi-periodic oscillations (in X-ray binaries) |
QSO | quasi-stellar object |
QSR | quasar; esp. one associated with radio galaxy |
RBL | radio-selected BL Lacertae object |
RG | radio galaxy |
RGB | red-green-blue; also, red giant branch |
RLQ | radio loud quasar |
WFC | wide-field camera |
PSPC | position-sensitive proportional counte |
RQQ | radio quiet quasar |
SEA | small, earth-approaching asteroid |
SED | spectral energy distribution |
SFR | star formation rate |
SGR | soft gamma-ray repeater |
SMC | Small Magellanic Cloud |
SN | supernova |
SNC | meteorite type associated with Mars |
SNR | supernova remnant |
SOHO | solar and heliospheric observatory (satellite) |
SR | special relativity |
SSRQ | steep spectrum radio quasar |
SXT | soft X-ray transient |
SZ | Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect |
TF | Tully-Fisher method of galaxy distance determination |
TOAD | tremendous outburst amplitude dwarf nova |
TTS | T-Tauri star |
UBVRI | ultraviolet-blue-visual-red-infrared |
UHE | ultra-high-energy |
UHECR | ultra-high-energy cosmic ray (>= 3 x 1020 eV) |
UVOIR | ultraviolet-optical-infrared |
VBLR | very broad line region (in quasars) |
WIMP | weakly interacting massive particle |
WR | Wolf-Rayet star |
XRB | X-ray background |
YSO | young stellar object |
ZPF | zero-point field (for the vacuum) |
(!!) == remarkable paper