What disclaimers apply?

Eclipse Edge Expedition Z'01 will make its best efforts to provide all accommodations and services as described herein. But many factors are beyond the control of the organization. Especially, we cannot control the weather! We will give priority to eclipse viewing and attempt to relocate on busses as needed so as to permit successful eclipse viewing. But ultimately, should nature not cooperate, the organization cannot provide compensation to its surely disappointed members. Likewise, should the flood of demand for flights, rooms, buses, and services cause some unexpected disruption in either your travel schedule or in the reservations or commitments we have from airlines, hotels, and other service providers, we will do our best to seek alternatives suitable to most participants, but ultimately cannot be responsible for such disruptions as are not within our control. You should be aware that demand for facilities and services at times of total solar eclipses is often so intense that even guaranteed, prepaid contracts are sometimes not honored by businesses in foreign countries. We make every effort to ensure that our contractors are reliable, and/or that alternative arrangements can be made on short notice whenever possible.

We also will do our best to ensure that all scheduled speakers and hosts appear; but should illness, injury, or other events beyond our control intervene, we may have to substitute. We will do our best to ensure that you will not be disappointed. At the very least, we hope our week will be an educational experience and an adventure to remember even if the weather fails to cooperate on eclipse day.

If something unexpected were to prevent part or the whole expedition from going at all (such as a political event or a natural disaster), then we would refund that portion of your cost which is not already spent, or which is refundable to us. But some portions of the costs must be paid well in advance, and might not get refunded in full to us, even under such circumstances. All we can assure you is that Eclipse Edge Expeditions and its personnel will not keep any of your money if the expedition is unable to go, and will act diligently to recover all funds already expended on your behalf.

All participants to make their own customary arrangements for accident and health insurance. No insurance is provided by Eclipse Edge Expeditions. Participants might wish to consult the CCD advice about malaria in Africa, even though we will be traveling during a relatively low-risk period. We will provide updated information as departure time draws closer.

Your signature on the registration form acknowledges and accepts these conditions.